Code of Ethics

Last Updated: Jul 20, 2023


Carnivore Style ("we," "our," or "us") is committed to conducting business with the highest ethical standards and integrity. Our Code of Ethics outlines the principles and values that guide our actions, decisions, and interactions with customers, suppliers, employees, and the communities in which we operate. We firmly believe that adhering to these principles is crucial to maintaining trust, promoting sustainability, and achieving long-term success.

1. Integrity and Honesty

We value integrity and honesty in all aspects of our business. We are committed to being truthful and transparent, avoiding conflicts of interest, and acting with sincerity and fairness in all our dealings.

2. Respect and Diversity

We respect the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their background, race, gender, religion, or nationality. We promote an inclusive and diverse workplace that fosters creativity, collaboration, and equal opportunities.

3. Customer Focus

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to understand their needs, exceed their expectations, and deliver products and services of the highest quality and value.

4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We are committed to complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. We expect all employees and stakeholders to uphold legal requirements and act ethically at all times.

5. Protection of Personal Data

We recognize the importance of protecting personal data and privacy rights. We handle personal information responsibly and in accordance with relevant data protection laws.

6. Environmental Responsibility

Carnivore Style is committed to minimizing our environmental impact. We strive to reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote sustainable practices throughout our operations.

7. Social Responsibility

We believe in being socially responsible and contributing positively to the communities in which we operate. We support initiatives that improve social well-being, education, and access to opportunities.

8. Fair Competition

We compete fairly and ethically in the marketplace. We do not engage in anti-competitive practices, and we respect the intellectual property rights of others.

9. Conflict Minerals

We are committed to avoiding the use of conflict minerals in our products. We source materials responsibly and work with suppliers who share our commitment to ethical practices.

10. Reporting Violations

We encourage all employees and stakeholders to report any violations of this Code of Ethics or any unethical behavior they observe. Reports can be made without fear of retaliation through the appropriate channels, such as the designated ethics officer or the confidential whistleblower hotline.

Our Commitment

At Carnivore Style, we are dedicated to upholding the principles outlined in this Code of Ethics. By following these guidelines, we aim to foster trust, build strong relationships, and contribute positively to society while maintaining our position as a responsible and ethical business.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our Code of Ethics or ethical practices, please contact us at:

Email: [email protected]

Address: 5960 Richard St, Jacksonville, FL 32216, United States