7 Best Carnivore Podcasts You Should Listen To

Timothy Woods
Published by Timothy Woods
Last Updated On: June 21, 2024

Transitioning to an all-meat diet five years ago meant I had to follow expert advice on the best way to start this kind of lifestyle and seek optimal health benefits.

Apart from the consultations with my dietician, I’ve also listened to a lot of audiobooks and podcasts on this subject, both of which helped me steer clear of health problems and helped me gain the most benefits.

Today, I’ll share my go-to podcasts that have improved my understanding, knowledge, and overall experience with the carnivore diet.

Quick Summary

  • Podcasts like "Fundamental Health," "MeatRX," and "Primal Edge Health" are among the top choices for carnivore diet enthusiasts.
  • Carnivore diet podcasts offer comprehensive information and guidance on the diet and its health benefits.
  • These podcasts provide expert advice, success stories, and discussions on carnivore diet-related topics, helping listeners navigate their carnivore lifestyle.

Top 7 Carnivore Diet Podcasts You Should Listen To

Here’s the ultimate list of the podcasts that have helped me on my carnivore journey.

1. Fundamental Health Podcast

An image of Fundamental Health Podcast

Dr. Paul Saladino, MD and a primal health coach, hosts the Fundamental Health podcast and teaches nutrition and general health concepts.

It comes as no surprise that this podcast has quickly risen to prominence in the keto-carnivore world.

Dr. Saladino has easy-to-understand conversations with many different medical specialists and diet gurus.

He provides a comprehensive, well-researched overview of the carnivorous diet, but he does so without becoming dogmatic or using incomprehensible language.

Instead, his podcast emphasizes breaking down facts so that you may make better nutritional decisions for yourself.

Fundamental Health focuses on anything that can enable you to adopt the best diet for your wellness, not just meat.

“Without routine access to animal source foods, it is highly unlikely that evolving humans could have achieved their unusually large and complex brain.”
- Excerpt from The Carnivore Code by Paul Saladino

Diet, chronic illness, and stimulants are all addressed.

He has also studied Western and Chinese medicine and became a functional medicine practitioner while maintaining a critical perspective on popular studies.

After listening to this podcast, many listeners feel more knowledgeable and encouraged to continue eating meat responsibly and avoiding disordered eating.

2.MeatRX Podcast

MeatRx is a web focused on the carnivore society formed by Dr. Shawn Baker, renowned for promoting the animal-based carnivore diet on a podcast of the Joe Rogan Project.

The MeatRx podcast encourages incredible success stories recounted by genuine people who have had tremendous health gains as a result of eliminating plant-based diets from their routines.

Shawn Baker, MD, also hosts Carnivore Community Events, where he interviews medical professionals and offers personalized fitness training on taking charge of your life and enhancing your overall well-being.

3. Primal Edge Health Podcast

An image of Primal Edge Health Podcast

Tristan Haggard hosts animal-based retreats, which center on a keto-carnivore diet. He approaches the subject from a broad perspective.

Various episodes discuss thought-provoking topics such as regenerative culture, unprocessed foods, as well as keto nutrition coaching.

It serves as a link between the carnivorous diet and the carnivore lifestyle.

Unlike other carnivore diet podcasts, Haggard's channel encourages greater conversation and debate.

He also interacts with people who are on a strict vegetarian diet and invites vegan-diet devotees to phone in and join him to get other perspectives.

Because the tone is somewhat more opinionated, the podcast may be more appealing to experienced carnivores.

4. Carnivore Cast Podcast

An image of The Carnivore Cast podcast

In Carnivore Cast, presenter Scott Myslinski features a variety of guests who provide guidance and insights on how to follow the carnivore diet effectively.

Myslinski delves into the science of keto and ways to cut back on carbs and sugar.

Guest contributions by well-known food bloggers such as Ashley Stevenson, while functional and evolutionary medicine experts add new viewpoints and recipes that use animal products, organ meats, and low-carb diet ideas.

The tone of Carnivore Cast is courteous, nuanced, open-minded, and down-to-earth.

Myslinski is an excellent interviewer, asking thorough inquiries and giving additional learning tools under each episode. It's a friendly podcast that both carnivorous beginners and veterans will appreciate.

5. Mikhaila Peterson Podcast

You've most likely heard of her. She is a strong supporter of the carnivorous diet.

Her illness list as a kid was lengthy, as was her medication list.

"I was the first child in Canada to be given immunosuppressant Enbrel injections. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and anxiety. Cipralex (Celexa), an SSRI, was prescribed to me. I was on a very high dose for a kid, but I couldn't reduce it."
- Mikhaila Peterson, Podcaster, Lifestyle & Diet Blogger

She went around in a daze as if continually falling into a pit of despair.

Instead of becoming a prisoner of her lousy fortune, she regained control over the situation through dieting. She is now fully symptom-free.

She is also the founder of the Lion Diet. The Mikhaila Peterson podcast describes her encounter with the carnivore diet quite well. However, she has also started introducing non-carnivore topics that might not be ideal if all-meat diets are your current field of interest.

6. The Black Carnivore Podcast

An image of The Black Carnivore Podcast

Ede, the Black Carnivore's host, is a lady with a family background of health issues, including heart disease.

Ede discusses the carnivorous diet from this medical point of view, emphasizing how it may boost your optimal health, vitality, and fitness.

She discusses carbohydrate addiction, weight reduction, muscular gain, and hypertension while prefacing such discussions with segments on other crucial aspects of the carnivorous diet, such as regenerative farming.

Ede has assembled a diverse group of interviewees and is also involved with the black carnivores that are mostly interested in the ancestral health society.

With black farm owners and nutritionists on the program, you'll get lots of concrete, practical advice to help create comprehensive wellness initiatives for your carnivorous lifestyle.

7. Meatgistics Podcast

The Meatgistics Podcast is all about sausages and beers. For curious listeners, presenters John and Austin recommend a different beer and sausage every week.

They also offer useful DIY culinary advice and teach you how to produce tender jerky from scratch in one episode.

Meatgistics' approach to inviting hunters and fishermen is one of its distinguishing features.

You may listen to gun users' tips and tactics if you want to learn how to hunt your meals.

Overall, it's a fun and tasty podcast that will help you enhance your meat-based diet meals.

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About the author

Timothy Woods
CEO / Co-Founder
Timothy Woods holds a Kinesiology and Exercise Science degree from Jacksonville University and is CCC & GMU Certified. He's also the main man behind Carnivore Style. This food aficionado combines science and experience to spread the word about the carnivore lifestyle.
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